职称:教授    研究方向:跨尺度高速精密运动生成与测控

1. 教育与研究经历

  • 1985年 郑州大学 工业自动化专业 获学士学位;
  • 1988年 中南大学 工业自动化专业 获硕士学位;
  • 1997年 华南理工大学 焊接自动控制专业 获博士学位;
  • 2008年  日本大阪大学 中国政府派遣研究员;
  • 2002年  韩国先进科技研究院(KAIST)客座教授;
  • 2014年  日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特邀研究员及日本大阪大学访问教授;
  • 2018年  美国哈佛大学访问教授。

2. 研究方向

3. 职务、兼职和荣誉称号

  • 广东工业大学 教授,博士(硕士)生导师
  • 广东省焊接工程技术研究中心主任
  • 广东省机械工程学会焊接分会副理事长
  • 中国机械工程学会高级会员
  • 中国自动化学会高级会员
  • 中国图像学会高级会员
  • 《焊接学报》杂志编委
  • “广东工业大学优秀教师”称号
  • “广东工业大学优秀研究生导师”称号
  • “广东工业大学先进科技工作者”称号
  • 广东省精品课程《现代控制理论与工程》负责人


4. 主持的主要项目

  • 高向东(主持),国家自然科学基金51675104,不可见焊接缺陷旋转场能堆积磁光成像检测关键问题研究,2017.01-2020.12
  • 高向东(主持),国家自然科学基金51175095, 激光焊接不可见焊缝磁光成像自动跟踪关键问题研究, 2011.01-2014.12
  • 高向东(主持),国家自然科学基金0375012, 基于图像质心的焊缝跟踪新方法研究, 2003.01-2005.12
  • 高向东(主持),国家自然科学基金59975030, 强等离子体能量传递机理与智能控制的研究, 1999.01-2002.12
  • 高向东(主持),广东省前沿与关键技术创新专项资金(重大科技专项)项目2014B090921008,锻压装备复杂结构机身体机器人自动焊接系统集成与应用,2015.01-2017.12
  • 高向东(主持),广东省自然科学基金重点项目10251009001000001,大功率光纤激光焊接不可见焊缝红外识别与跟踪关键技术研究, 2010.01-2012.12
  • 高向东(主持),教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(博士生导师类)20104420110001,激光焊接不可见焊缝红外识别与跟踪关键问题研究, 2010.01-2012.12
  • 高向东(主持),广东省科技计划项目2007B010400069, JCOE直缝双面埋弧焊管焊缝跟踪机的研制, 2007.01-2009.12
  • 高向东(主持),广州市科技计划项目2001-Z-097-01,铁路车辆轮对自动检测装置的研制, 2001.01-2003.12

5. 获奖情况

  • 美国罗克韦尔自动化(Rockwell Automation)优秀教师奖
  • 《火箭体用新型焊接设备的研制》获国家教育部科技进步奖
  • 《基于北斗/GPS双模进口汽车可视化检验监管平台》获卫星导航定位科学技术奖
  • 《新能源汽车行车状态智能采集系统设计与开发》获中国检验检疫学会科技奖
  • 《互联网+进出口电动汽车物流仓储智能平台设计与实现》获中国物流与采购联合会科学技术奖

6. 发表的主要论文

  • Lin Wang, Xiangdong Gao*, Zinqin Chen. Status analysis of keyhole bottom in laser-MAG hybrid welding process. Optics Express, 2018, 26(1): 347-355
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Chongzhou Lan, Deyong You, Guohua Li, Nanfeng Zhang. Weldment Nondestructive Testing Using Magneto-optical Imaging Induced by Alternating Magnetic Field.  Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 2017,36:55
  • Xiang-dong Gao*, Zheng-wen Li, De-yong You, Seiji Katayama. A Novel Microstructure Detection of Welded joint by Using Magneto-optical Imaging Technology. Chinese Physics B.2017, 26(5): 054214
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Guanxiong Huang, Deyong You, Chongzhou Lan, Nanfeng Zhang. Magneto-optical Imaging Deviation Model of Micro-gap Weld Joint. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2017, 42: 82-92
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Ling Mo, Deyong You, Zhuman Li. Tight butt joint weld detection based on optical flow and particle filtering of magneto-optical imaging. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 96: 16-30
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Yingying Liu, Chongzhou Lan, Zhenlin Xiao, Xiaohui Chen. Laser-induced infrared characteristic analysis for evaluating joint deviation during austenitic stainless steel laser welding. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2017, 88(5): 1877-1888
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Yuquan Chen, Deyong You, Zhenlin Xiao, Xiaohui Chen. Detection of micro gap weld joint by using magneto-optical imaging and Kalman filtering compensated with RBF neural network. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2017, 84: 570-583
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Yan Sun, Deyong You, Zhenlin Xiao, Xiaohui Chen. Multi-sensor Information Fusion for Monitoring Disk Laser Welding. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2016, 85(5-8): 1167-1175
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Ling Mo, Zhenlin Xiao, Xiaohui Chen, Seiji Katayama. Seam tracking based on Kalman filtering of micro-gap weld using magneto-optical image. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2016, 83: 21-32
  • Zhang Yanxi, Gao Xiangdong*, Katayama Seiji. Weld appearance prediction with BP Neural Network improved by Genetic Algorithm during disk laser welding. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2015, 34: 53-59
  • Gao Xiangdong*, Liu Guiqian. Elucidation of Metallic Plume and Spatter Characteristics Based on SVM during High-power Disk Laser Welding. Plasma Science and Technology. 2015, 17(1): 32-36
  • Gao Xiang-Dong*, Chen Zi-Qin. Measurement of micro weld joint position based on magneto-optical imaging. Chinese Physics B.2015, 24(1):018103-1-7
  • Deyong You, Xiangdong Gao*, and Seiji Katayama. WPD-PCA Based Laser Welding Process Monitoring and Defects Diagnosis by Using FNN and SVM. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2015, 62(1): 628-636
  • Deyong You, Xiangdong Gao*, and Seiji Katayama. A novel stability quantification for disk laser welding by using frequency correlation coefficient between multiple-optics signals. IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2015, 20(1): 327-337
  • Deyong You, Xiangdong Gao*, Seiji Katayama. Detection of Imperfection Formation in Disk Laser Welding Using Multiple On-line Measurements. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2015, 219(5): 209-220
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Yanxi Zhang. Monitoring of welding status by molten pool morphology during high-power disk laser welding. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics. 2015,126(19):1797-1802
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Deyong You and Seiji Katayama. The high frequency characteristics of laser reflection and visible light during solid state disk laser welding. Laser Physics Letters, 2015, 12: 076003
  • Gao Xiangdong*, Zhen Renhe, Xiao Zhenlin, Katayama Seiji. Modeling for detecting micro-gap weld based on magneto-optical imaging. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2015, 37: 193-200
  • Zhang Yanxi, Gao Xiangdong*. Analysis of characteristics of molten pool using cast shadow during high-power disk laser welding. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2014, 70(9):1979-1988
  • Deyong You, Xiangdong Gao*, Seiji Katayama. Visual-based Spatter Detection during High-power Disk Laser Welding. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2014, 54: 1-7
  • Deyong You, Xiangdong Gao*, and Seiji Katayama. Review of laser welding monitoring. Science and Technology of Welding & Joining. 2014, 19(3): 181-201
  • Xiang-Dong Gao*, Yan-Xi Zhang. Prediction Model of Weld Width during High-Power Disk Laser Welding of 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. 2014, 15(3): 399-405
  • Deyong You, Xiangdong Gao*, Seiji Katayama. Multisensor Fusion System for Monitoring High-power Disk Laser Welding Using Support Vector Machine. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2014, 10(2):1285-1295
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Yonghua Liu, Deyong You. Detection of micro-weld joint by magneto-optical imaging. Optics & Laser Technology. 2014, 62: 141-151
  • Deyong You, Xiangdong Gao*, and Seiji Katayama. Monitoring of High-power Laser Welding Using High-speed Photographing and Image Processing. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2014, 49: 39-52
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Yuquan Chen. Detection of micro gap weld using magneto-optical imaging during laser welding. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2014, 73: 23-33
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Yan Sun. Monitoring of high power disk laser welding of Type 304 austenitic stainless steel based on keyhole dynamic characteristics. Insight - Non-Destructive Testing & Condition Monitoring. 2014, 56 (6): 312-317
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Yan Sun, and Seiji Katayama. Neural network of plume and spatter for monitoring high-power disk laser welding. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology. 2014, 1(4): 293-298
  • Ziqin Chen, Xiangdong Gao*. Detection of weld pool width using infrared imaging during high-power fiber laser welding of type 304 austenitic stainless steel. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2014, 74: 1247-1254
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Xungao Zhong, Deyong You, Seiji Katayama. Kalman Filtering Compensated by Radial Basis Function Neural Network for Seam Tracking of Laser Welding. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 2013, 21(5):1916-1923
  • Deyong You, Xiangdong Gao*, Seiji Katayama. Multiple-optics sensing of high-brightness disk laser welding process. NDT & E International. 2013, 60:32-39
  • Wang Teng, Gao Xiangdong*, Katayama Seiji. Analysis of laser-induced plume during disk laser welding at different speeds. Plasma Science and Technology. 2013, 15(8): 821-824
  • X.D. GAO*, L. MO, Q. WEN, AND S. KATAYAMA. Neural Network Model for Recognizing Joint Offset during Fiber Laser Welding. Welding Journal. 2013, 92(9): 251-257
  • Gao Xiangdong* and Wen Qian. Monitoring of High-Power Fiber Laser Welding Based on Principal Component Analysis of Molten Pool Configuration. Laser Physics. 2013, 23: 126001
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Qian Wen, Seiji Katayama. Analysis of high power disk laser welding stability based on classification of plume and spatter characteristics. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2013, 23(12): 3748-3757
  • Wang Teng, Gao Xiangdong*, Katayama Seiji, Jin Xiaoli. Study of dynamic features of surface plasma in high-power disk laser welding. Plasma Science and Technology. 2012, 14(3): 245-251
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Deyong You, Seiji Katayama. Infrared image recognition for seam tracking monitoring during fiber laser welding. MECHATRONICS, 2012, 22(4): 370-380
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Deyong You, Seiji Katayama. WPD-PCA Based Laser Welding on Adaptive Kalman Filter Embedded Elman Neural Network during High Power Fiber Laser Welding. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. 2012, 59 (11):4315-4325
  • Xiangdong Gao*, Dukun Ding, Tianxiang Bai, Seiji Katayama. Weld Pool Image Centroid Algorithm for Seam Tracking Vision Model in Arc Welding Process. IET Image Processing. 2011, 5(5): 410-419
  • Wang Teng, Gao Xiang-Dong*, Li Wei.Characterization of the plasma density with two artificial neural network models.CHINESE PHYSICS B.2010, 19(7):070505-1-5


7. 知识产权

  • 发明人:高向东,发明专利授权号:ZL201310229304.0,超微间隙对接焊缝磁旋光成像自动检测和跟踪方法
  • 发明人:高向东, 杨雪荣, 陈章兰, 发明专利授权号:ZL200410015240.5, 结构光视觉传感步进驱动型轮对测量方法及测量装置
  • 发明人:高向东,蓝重洲,发明专利授权号:ZL201610681729.9,激光电弧复合焊3D增材修补装置及修补方法
  • 发明人:高向东,实用新型专利授权号:ZL 2013 2 0196158.1,超微间隙对接焊缝磁光成像自动检测及跟踪装置
  • 发明人:高向东,杜亮亮,马波,实用新型专利授权号:ZL201720946086.6,焊接缺陷检测装置
  • 发明人:高向东,马女杰,王煜,实用新型专利授权号:ZL 201720323954.5,一种交变磁场磁光成像检测装置及系统
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