职称:教授    研究方向:跨尺度高速精密运动生成与测控

导师类别: 博士生导师、硕士生导师

科研方向: 计算结构动力学,结构优化,机械设计理论


个人简述  吴柏生,男,1963年1月出生。广东工业大学“百人计划”特聘教授。在结构静动力重分析、非线性振动、结构稳定性等方向开展了持续多年的研究,已在美国航空航天协会会刊、美国土木工程协会会刊、美国机械工程协会会刊等国际期刊上发表SCI收录论文95篇。研究成果在国际学术界产生了重要影响。据不完全统计,发表的SCI论文被SCI期刊他引900余次。获得包括洪堡学者、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划、政府特殊津贴等学术奖励。现任中国力学学会理事。



  • 1987.09-1991.06,吉林大学, 计算数学专业,获博士学位;
  • 1984.09-1987.06,吉林大学, 计算力学专业,获硕士学位;
  • 1980.09-1984.06,吉林大学, 力学专业,获学士学位



  • 2016.06-         广东工业大学“百人计划”特聘教授;
  • 2007.10-2016.06, 吉林大学二级教授;
  • 2001.02-2016.03, 多次被香港城市大学聘为研究员,赴港从事短期合作研究;
  • 1999.06-,       吉林大学,计算数学专业,博士生导师;
  • 1998.09-2016.06,吉林大学数学系,教授;
  • 1994.09-1998.08,吉林大学数学系,副教授;
  • 1996.10-1998.02,德国波鸿鲁尔大学结构静/动力学研究所,洪堡学者(德国洪堡基金会资助);
  • 1993.02-1994.03,德国科隆大学数学所,博士后(德国大众汽车基金会资助);
  • 1989.09-1994.08,吉林大学数学系,讲师;
  • 1987.06-1989.08,吉林大学数学系,助教



  • 2007-2019连续三届任中国力学学会理事;
  • 1995-2010连续三届任教育部高等学校力学教学指导委员会委员;
  • 担任International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, International Journal of Solids and Structures,Journal of Sound and Vibration, AIAA Journal, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics- ASME,Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Nonlinear Dynamics,Applied Mathematical Modelling,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering等20余种国外期刊审稿人。全国优秀博士学位论文通信评议人。


  • 1997年被德国洪堡基金会聘为“洪堡学者”;
  • 2005年入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”;
  • 2006年享受“政府特殊津贴”;
  • 2007年被聘为吉林大学二级教授。



  • Li Z. G., Wu B. S., Zhong H. X., Iterative computation of eigenvector derivatives for middle-eigenvalues, AIAA Journal, DOI 10.2514/1.J054621.
  • Sun Y. H., Yu Y. P., Wu B. S., Liu B. C., Closed form solutions for nonlinear static response of curled cantilever micro-/nanobeams including both the fringing field and van der Waals force effect, Microsystem Technologies, DOI 10.1007/s00542-016-2870-y.
  • Liu W. J., Wu B. S., Lim C. W., Linear and nonlinear free vibrations of electrostatically actuated micro-/nanomechanical resonators, Microsystem Technologies, DOI 10.1007/s00542-015-2731-0.
  • Wu B. S., Yang S. T., Li Z. G., An algorithm for solving frequency responses of a system with Rayleigh damping,Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2016, 86(7):1231-1245.
  • Sun Y. H., Wu B. S., Yu Y. P., Analytical Approximate prediction of thermal post-buckling behavior of the spring-hinged beam, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2016, 8(3): 1650028.
  • Wu B. S., Yang S. T., Li Z. G., Zheng S.P., A combined method for computing frequency responses of proportionally damped systems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015, 60-61: 535–546.
  • Sun Y. H., Wu B. S., Yu Y. P., Combined effect of pressure and geometric imperfection on buckling of stressed thin films on substrates, Acta Mechanica, 2015, 226(5): 1647-1655.
  • Wu B. S., A correction of the half-power bandwidth method for estimating damping, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2015, 85(2):315-320.
  • Liu H. F., Wu B. S., Li Z. G., The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Static Reanalysis with Modifications of Supports, Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 2015, 141(2):04014111.
  • Zheng S.P., Wu B.S., Li Z.G., Vibration reanalysis based on block combined approximations with shifting, Computers and Structures, 2015, 149:72-80.
  • Wu B. S., Yang S. T., Li Z. G., Zheng S.P., A preconditioned conjugate gradient method for computing eigenvector derivatives with distinct and repeated eigenvalues, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015, 50-51: 249-259.
  • Yu Y. P., Wu B. S., Analytical approximate solutions to large-amplitude free vibrations of uniform beams on Pasternak foundation, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2014, 6(6):1450075.
  • Liu H. F., Wu B. S., Li Z. G., Zheng S.P., Structural static reanalysis for modification of supports, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2014, 50(3): 425-435.
  • Yu Y. P., Wu B. S., An approach to predicting static responses of electrostatically actuated microbeam under the effect of fringing field and Casimir force, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 80:183-192.
  • Wu B. S., Yu Y. P., A simplified analysis on buckling of stressed and pressurized thin films on substrates, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2014, 84(2): 149-157.
  • Liu, H. F.; Wu B. S.; Li, Z. G., Method of Updating the Cholesky Factorization for Structural Reanalysis with Added Degrees of Freedom, Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 2014, 140(2): 384-392.
  • Wu B. S.,Yu Y. P., Li Z. G., Xu Z. H., An analytical approximation method for predicting static responses of electrostatically actuated microbeams, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2013, 54: 99-104.
  • Sun·W. P., Wu·B. S., Lim C. W., Nonlinear oscillation of a charge in an electric field of two charged spheres, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2013, 1(2): 129-134.
  • Yu Y. P., Wu B. S., Sun Y. H., Zang L., Analytical approximate solutions to large amplitude vibration of a spring-hinged beam, Meccanica, 2013,48 (10): 2569-2575.
  • Liu H. F., Wu B. S., Lim C. W., Li Z. G., An approach for structural static reanalysis with unchanged number of degrees of freedom, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2012, 45(5), 681-692.
  • Liu H. F., Wu B. S., Li Z. G., An efficient approach to structural static reanalysis with added support constraints, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2012, 43( 3), 273-285.
  • Li J., Li Z. G., Zhong H. X., B. S. Wu, Structural damage detection using generalized flexibility matrix and changes in natural frequencies, AIAA Journal, 2012, 50(5), 1072-1078.
  • Yu Y. P., Wu B. S., Lim C.W., Numerical and analytical approximations to large post-buckling deformation of MEMS, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2012, 55(1), 95-103.
  • Wu B. S, Sun W. P., Li Z. G., Li Z. H., Circular whirling and stability due to unbalanced magnetic pull and eccentric force, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2011, 330(21): 4949-4954.
  • Ma Y.; Zhang Y. Y.; Wu, B. S.; Sun W. P.; Li, Z. G; Sun J. Q., Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films for Building Energetic Walking Devices, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2011, 50(28): 6254-6257.
  • Wu B.S, Sun W.P., Construction of approximate analytical solutions to strongly nonlinear damped oscillators, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2011, 81(8): 1017-1030.




  • 吴柏生,国家自然科学基金(11672118),大规模有限元系统频率响应及其灵敏度分析的高效算法研究,2017.1-2020.12;
  • 吴柏生, 国家自然科学基金(11072085),基于预条件技术的结构模型修改动力重分析,2011.1-2013.12;
  • 吴柏生,哈尔滨电机厂有限责任公司,1000MW水轮发电机机电耦合弯曲振动研究, 2009.8-2019.7;
  • 吴柏生,教育部新世纪优秀人才资助计划,结构布局优化的关键技术研究, 2006.1-2008.12;
  • 吴柏生,国家自然科学基金(10472037),结构模型修改重分析的研究,2005.1-2007.12;
  • 吴柏生,吉林省杰出青年基金(20030106),结构拓扑修改重分析方法的研究,2003.1-2005.12;
  • 吴柏生,教育部博士点基金(20020183041),结构拓扑修改重分析的预条件共轭梯度法,2003.1-2005.12;
  • 吴柏生,国家自然科学基金(19972023),结构重分析中的帕德逼近方法,2000.1-2002.12;
  • 吴柏生,教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划,强非线性自由振动的解析逼近,2000.1-2001.12;
  • 吴柏生,教育部优秀青年教师资助计划,有理逼近方法在力学中的应用, 1999.1-2000.12;
  • 吴柏生,国家自然科学基金(19202006),具有重或几乎重屈曲荷载的结构屈曲问题的计算方法,1993.1-1995.12。
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