职称:副教授    研究方向: 电子制造智能装备与系统集成

 2009.01-2013.05 工学博士 香港大学,工程学院,工业与制造系统工程系
 2001.09-2005.07 工学学士 华中科技大学,机械学院,机械制造及其自动化系

 2013.06-至今   广东工业大学讲师、副教授


 3.2015-2017, 国家自然科学基金项目“基于粗糙概念格理论的多尺度模具知识发现及重用方法研究”主持人,项目经费23万。
 4.2016-2018, 广东省科技厅应用型科技研发专项“面向虚拟产业集群的社交化企业大数据服务平台的研发与规模应用”,高校主持人,项目经费800万。

 1.Li, Z., Wang, W. M., Liu, G., Liu, L., He, J., & Huang, G. Q. (2018). Toward open manufacturing: A cross-enterprises knowledge and services exchange framework based on blockchain and edge computing. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 118(1), 303-320., (SCI&EI)
 2.Li, Z., & Ni, J. (2018). Dynamic product innovation and production decisions under quality authorization. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 116, 13-21. (SCI&EI)
 3.Li, Z., Liu, G., Liu, L., Lai, X., & Xu, G. (2017). IoT-based tracking and tracing platform for prepackaged food supply chain. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 117(9), 1906-1916. (SCI&EI)
 4.Li, Z., He, J., Lai, X., Huang, Y., Zhou, T., Vatankhah Barenji, A., & Wang, W. M. (2017). Evaluation of product recyclability at the product design phase: a time-series forecasting methodology. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1-12. (SCI&EI)
 5.Li, Z., Huang, G. Q., Fang, J., & Qu, T. (2014). Ontology-based dynamic alliance services (ODAS) in production service system. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 27(2), 148-164. 148-164. (SCI&EI)
 6.Wang, W. M., Li, Z., Wang, J. W., & Zheng, Z. H. (2017). How far we can go with extractive text summarization? heuristic methods to obtain near upper bounds. Expert Systems with Applications, 90, 439–463. (SCI&EI)
 7.Zhong, R. Y., Li, Z., Pang, L. Y., Pan, Y., Qu, T., & Huang, G. Q. (2013). RFID-enabled real-time advanced planning and scheduling shell for production decision making. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1-14. (SCI&EI)
 8.Pang, L. Y., Li, Z., Huang, G. Q., Zhong, R. Y., Pan, Y., & Qu, T. (2014). Reconfigurable auto-ID enabled software as a service (SaaS) shell for real-time fleet management in industrial parks. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29(2), 04014032. (SCI&EI)
 9.Fang, J., Qu, T., Li, Z., Xu, G. Y., & Huang, G. Q. (2013). Agent-based Gateway Operating System for RFID-enabled ubiquitous manufacturing enterprise. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 29(4), 222-231. (SCI&EI)
 10.Fang, J., Huang, G. Q., & Li, Z. (2013). Event-driven multi-agent ubiquitous manufacturing execution platform for shop floor work-in-progress management. International Journal of Production Research, 51(4), 1168-1185. (SCI&EI)
 11.Huang, G.*, Qu, T., Zhong, R., Li, Z., Yang, H., Zhang, Y., Chen, X. (2011). Establishing production service system and information collaboration platform for mold and die products. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 52(9), 1149-1160. (SCI&EI)
 12.Zhang, T., Huang, G. Q.*, Qu, T., & Li, Z. (2013). Headquarter-centered common sourcing management through Order Coordination and consolidation. Computers & Operations Research 40(8): 2011-2025. (SCI&EI)
 13.Zhai, Y., Zhong, R. Y., Li, Z., & Huang, G. (2016). Production lead-time hedging and coordination in prefabricated construction supply chain management. International Journal of Production Research, 1-19. (SCI&EI)
 14.Yu, C., Wong, T. N., & Li, Z. (2017). A hybrid multi-agent negotiation protocol supporting supplier selection for multiple products with synergy effect. International Journal of Production Research, 55(1), 18-37. (SCI&EI)

 4.基于BP 神经网络的二维码防伪预测装置和方法,2016108435208,第一发明人。


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