Study of materials effects on the single cutting in ultra-precision raster milling
2018年04月16日  浏览量:12131次  来源:
Ultra-precision raster milling (UPRM) rotates a single crystal diamond tool to discontinuously remove materials from the workpiece and can directly produce freeform surfaces with sub-micrometric form accuracy and nanometric surface finishing. This paper presents theoretical and experimental investigations on the workpiece materials effects on the surface profile in the single cutting process of UPRM. Experiments are conducted to single cutting four materials including copper, aluminum alloy 6061, brass and aluminum bronze under the same cutting conditions in UPRM. A characterization method is presented in the paper to study the effect of different workpiece material on the cutting profiles in UPRM. The experimental results show that copper alloy makes the smallest effect on the single cutting area while the material effect of aluminum bronze is the highest.
地址:广州市番禺区广州大学城外环西路100号(510006)         信息管理:机电工程学院         技术维护:广州瞬速信息科技有限公司