Multiobjective Optimization of Injection Molding Process Parameters for the Precision Manufacturing of Plastic Optical Lens
2018年04月16日  浏览量:20444次  来源:
Injection molding process parameters (IMPP) have a significant effect on the optical performance and surface waviness of precision plastic optical lens. This paper presents a set of procedures for the optimization of IMPP, with haze ratio (HR) reflecting the optical performance and peak-to-valley 20 (PV20) reflecting the surface waviness as the optimization objectives. First, the orthogonal experiment was carried out with the Taguchi method, and the results were analyzed by ANOVA to screen out the IMPP having a significant effect on the objectives. Then, the 34 full-factor experiment was conducted on the key IMPP, and the experimental results were used as the training and testing samples. The BPNN algorithm and the M-SVR algorithm were applied to establish the mapping relationships between the IMPP and objectives. Finally, the multiple-objective optimization was performed by applying the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), with the built M-SVR models as the fitness function of the objectives, to obtain a Pareto-optimal set, which improved the quality of plastic optical lens comprehensively. Through the experimental verification on the optimization results, the mean prediction error (MPE) of HR and PV20 is 7.16% and 9.78%, respectively, indicating that the optimization method has high accuracy.
地址:广州市番禺区广州大学城外环西路100号(510006)         信息管理:机电工程学院         技术维护:广州瞬速信息科技有限公司