Equiaxed β-Si3N4 ceramics prepared by rapid reaction-bonding and post-sintering using TiO2-Y2O3-Al2O3 additives
2018年04月16日  浏览量:20316次  来源:
Sintered reaction‐bonded SiNceramics with equiaxed microstructure were prepared with TiO‐YO‐AlOadditions by rapid nitridation at 1400°C for 2h and subsequent post‐sintering at 1850°C for 2h under Npressure of 3 MPa. It was found that α‐SiN, β‐SiN, SiNO and TiN phases were formed by rapid nitridation of Si powders with single TiOadditives. However, the combination of TiOand YO‐AlOadditives led to the formation of 100% β‐SiNphase from the nitridation of Si powders at such low temperature (1400°C), and the removal of SiNO phase. As a result, dense β‐SiNceramics with equiaxed microstructure were obtained after post‐sintering at high temperature.
地址:广州市番禺区广州大学城外环西路100号(510006)         信息管理:机电工程学院         技术维护:广州瞬速信息科技有限公司